Victoria 162 - Outside Hong Kong 海外地區

Victoria 162 - Outside Hong Kong 海外地區

26 February 2021 -
26 April 2021
儘管 Victoria 162 實體賽需要再度遞延,我們仍希望保持越野賽的熱度,為大家帶來虛擬版的2021賽事,包括H25, L57, N80, 3-day 及V162。

H25: 港島鰂魚涌至堅城,新增跑馬地CP ,全訪7支維城界石。
L57: 與之前路線一樣,東涌起環嶼一圈,由新巿鎮到舊礦洞,天壇大佛到大澳水鄉,白芒更樓到嶼北界碑,盡情覽勝。
N80: 賽事精髓,避開大徑,走入湖洋山/白石橋/上塘/坳背灣的荒村。
3-day: 終極挑戰 : 必須於連續3日內, 每日在限時內完成該日賽事。
V162: 自隊的極致,100 miles一腳到底由東涌過兩次海到堅城,包含過海時間需要在50小時限時內完成.

虛擬賽將由原賽事第一日的2月26日至3月26日止,本地參加者於此期間內,在限時內完成指定賽道可獲得 ITRA 積分.境外參加者也可在身處地的方自行參與,雖未能獲得積分,但達到km+ effort 後也會成為完成者,與本地完賽者一樣可獲完成證書及完賽獎牌。

參賽者報名可獲一貫具V162風格的實用跑手包,詳情請到 了解詳情。

我們也同時為了準備了以下的V162 Virtual 優惠
-“Victoria 162 “ 及 “Day race” 補給套裝大特價, 包括Tailwind, Crampfix, Beet it 及 Active Root Sachet.
-  Aonijie 特價比賽背心,於Apex店內發售
- 完賽後,人手製造的維城界石完成獎座.

Victoria 162 strives to keep the spirit of trail race alive, and offers a 2021 Virtual edition, with choices of H25, L57, N80, 3-day and V162.

H25: Move from Quarry Bay to Kennedy Town, Collect all 7 Victoria City Boundary Stones, with an added CP at Happy Valley.
L57: Same course as previous two editions. Circle Lantau in a loop, starting from Tung Chung. The new town and old silvermine, the buddha and water town, the watch tower and the Lantau boundary obelisk are all yours to experience.
N80: The terrain is so rough and the path choice is so symbolic of what Victoria 162 is about. Stay away from well-beaten major hiking trails, and be prepared to blaze the paths through abandoned villages.
3-day: The ultimate challenge: 3-day Race virtual. Rule is simple: 3 consecutive days, each day completing the designated distance within the allowable time.
V162: Feel the 100 miles grind. Must traverse the entire Hong Kong from Tung Chung to Kennedy Town within 50hr time limit, including harbour crossing time.

The virtual race would start on the same date of our scheduled race date , Feb 26 2021, and would end on Mar 26 2021. During this period, local runners who fulfill course completion within allowed time are eligible for ITRA points. Out of Hong Kong runners are also welcome to participate, and with matching km + effort, will be deemed finishers (although no ITRA points) ,  and receive finisher cert and finish medal along with local finishers.
As usual we have a uniqe and practical set of runner's pack for our participants. Please see details in our website :  and understand the virtual offering and rules of finishing. Early Bird period from Feb 5 noon– Feb 12 noon.

We have prepared the following deals for Virtual runners:
-       “Victoria 162 “ and “Day race” Nutrition packs at a discount on Tailwind, Crampfix, Active Root Sachet on registration site.  
-       Aonijie race vest on offer at Apex store when you pick up your goods
-       Our handcrafted Victoria City boundary stone series of finisher trophy
Be sure to check them all out online and at Apex!

 Event information
26 February 2021
04 April 2021
26 April 2021
Registration is closed
162 km
Starts at 23:59

Price per participant
Through Feb 12, 2021 280.00 HKD
From Feb 13, 2021 350.00 HKD
162 km
Starts at 23:59

Price per participant
Through Feb 12, 2021 280.00 HKD
From Feb 13, 2021 350.00 HKD
57 km
Starts at 23:59

Price per participant
Through Feb 12, 2021 192.00 HKD
From Feb 13, 2021 240.00 HKD
80 km
Starts at 23:59

Price per participant
Through Feb 12, 2021 192.00 HKD
From Feb 13, 2021 240.00 HKD
25 km
Starts at 23:59

Price per participant
Through Feb 12, 2021 192.00 HKD
From Feb 13, 2021 240.00 HKD

Air One

In case of questions about the event please contact Air One: